Aniruddha Belsare

Aniruddha Belsare

Assistant Professor of Disease Ecology

Auburn University


Aniruddha Belsare is a disease ecologist with a background in veterinary medicine, pathogen modeling, and conservation research. He uses an interdisciplinary approach that incorporates ecologic, epidemiologic and model-based investigations to understand how pathogens spread through, persist in, and impact host populations. One of the main objectives of Aniruddha’s research is to translate insights gained from an analytical approach into actionable outcomes for managers and policymakers.

Download my CV.

  • Wildlife Disease Ecology
  • One Health
  • Disease Modeling
  • Agent-based models
  • Rabies
  • PhD in Wildlife Science (with a focus on Disease Ecology), 2013

    University of Columbia, Missouri

  • Bachelor of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry (B.V.Sc & A.H.), 1996

    Bombay Veterinary College


Wildlife immobilization


Assistant Professor of Disease Ecology
Feb 2023 – Present Auburn, AL
Faculty Affiliate
Wildlife Biology Program, University of Montana
May 2021 – May 2022 Missoula, MT
Chronic wasting disease (CWD) modeling research in collaboration with University of Montana faculty and State Wildlife Agencies.
Associate Academic Research Scientist
Jan 2021 – Jan 2023 Atlanta, GA

Responsibilities include:

  • Developing individual-based models of complex host-pathogen systems
  • Informing wildlife disease management programs
Research Associate
Mar 2019 – Jan 2021 East Lansing, Michigan
Developed new, high-level quantitative tools that informed wildlife disease management in Michigan and elsewhere. Specific focus was on chronic wasting disease (CWD), an emerging disease of white-tailed deer. E.g.
Postdoctoral Fellow
Jun 2017 – Mar 2019 Moscow ID


  • Leader, OneHealth Working Group
  • Disease Modeling: Bighorn sheep pneumonia
  • Disease Modeling: Canine rabies
Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Missouri
May 2014 – Jun 2017 Columbia MO
Analysis of wildlife diseases in the state of Missouri. Specific focus on CWD in white-tailed deer. Developed a model-based framework to support surveillance and management of CWD.


Chronic Wasting Disease Modeling Framework
The CWD modeling project began in 2014 in collaboration Josh Millspaugh (University of Montana), Matt Gompper (University of Missouri, later New Mexico State University) and Missouri Department of Conservation. We developed an agent-based modeling framework for assessing the efficacy of harvest-based disease surveillance in white-tailed deer populations of Missouri. We also developed a spatially-explicit, agent-based model of chronic wasting disease transmission in white-tailed deer populations. This model was used to assess the rate of CWD spread in Missouri, as well as to evaluate alternate management strategies to limit the spread of CWD. The CWD Modeling Framework was subsequently (2019-2021) adapted to simulate Michigan white-tailed deer populations and then applied to assess alternate harvest strategies for their impact on CWD spread. I also collaborated with Atle Mysterud (University of Oslo) and Hildegunn Viljugrein (Norwegian Veterinary Institute) to apply the modeling framework to reindeer populations, and we assessed surveillance and harvest strategies for the reindeer populations of Norway. The CWD modeling framework is also being used to inform CWD management in Indiana (in collaboration with Purdue University) and Texas (supported by a USDA-APHIS grant). Current work on assessing public practices like baiting, supplemental feeding and carcass movements for their impact on the establishment and spread of CWD in regional deer populations is supported by a grant from the Safari Club International Foundation. Summary of the work done so far
Chronic Wasting Disease Modeling Framework

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